«In the draft of the law we suggest enhancing executive functions of the hromada head. The hromada head will appoint its deputies and executive bodies’ heads of a hromada council without any agreement with the council. The current regulatory provision on the early termination of the hromada head powers which is quite disputable has remained but we suggest implementing an appropriate procedure and motivation of such a council decision rather than a political decision. If the incumbent legislation demands more than half of the council votes, the draft suggests its increase up to 2/3 of the hromada council deputies. Moreover, the council decision on the early termination of the hromada head powers results in the simulataneous termination of the hromada council. If there is no constructive work and agreement between the head and the council, only the AH is entitled to make a final decision during reelections of both the hromada head and its council. The head, having been elected by the AH, cannot be dismissed without repercussions for itself» - commented Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine.
zakonoproekty obhovorennia V.Nehoda
Прес-центр ініціативи «Децентралізація»
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