From next year all hromadas of Ukraine will become competitive, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

From next year all 1469 hromadas of Ukraine will have equal powers and resources sources, thus they will have equal opportunities. Finally, not only towns and amalgamated hromadas but all hromadas without any exceptions, will be able to compete for resources, investment, projects and initiatives. Such a rivalry has to encourage rapid development of territories.

It was highlighted by Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine during the presentation of the 2019/2020 Competitiveness Index of Towns of Ukraine at the Ukraine Crisis Media Centre.

«We hope that from next year the Competitiveness Index of Towns, being developed with support of our partners from USAID, can be adjusted to the new system of administrative and territorial arrangement and applied not only for towns but for all hromadas of Ukraine. We would like the tool to become the national one, encouraging each hromada development. Lately, with the help of experts, the MinRegion has been monitoring AHs activity according to different criteria. While highlighting these non-official rates, we saw how burning they were for hromadas. When a person or a hromada is at the middle or at the bottom of any list, even a non-official one, it compels to consider why it is there and what can be done to get higher. Concrete actions often follow such thoughts», - commented the Deputy Minister.

Analytical report Municipal Competitiveness Index  2019/2020. Part 1. Analysis of research results (download)  

Analytical report Municipal Competitiveness Index  2019/2020. Part 2. Profiles of Municipalities (download

Questionnaire for business managers/owners (download

10.09.2020 - 13:00 | Views: 8120
From next year all hromadas of Ukraine will become competitive, - Vyacheslav Nehoda

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