This summer 1469 AHs and 136 rayons were formed in Ukraine by the resolutions of the Government and the Parliament. Thus, as it has been planned, on October, 25 local elections will be held on the new territorial basis. However, for the purpose of reorganizing local self-government bodies in the new hromadas and rayon state administrations in the new rayons, the Verkhovna Rada has to pass bill №3651, regulating issues of legal succession of the communal and state property, budget resources, rights and other liabilities.
«In June the Government suggested a way of reorganizing hromadas and rayons, the new administrative and territorial arrangement having been formed. Then, alongside with resolution draft №3650 on new rayons, Government bill №3651, stipulating all the necessary procedures, was registered at the Parliament. Last week the line committee of the Verkhovna Rada supported the bill for people’s deputies to pass it before the new hromada and rayon local self-government bodies are granted authority, i.e. – by the middle of November», - claimed Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine in his comments for the Decentralisation portal.
rayon law V.Nehoda zakonoproekty obhovorennia
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