On September 9-11, expert discussions within the Constitutional amendment regarding decentralisation will be held

Within the process of amending the Constitution in terms of decentralisation, the Committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on the Organisation of State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional and Urban Development is conducting a set of the committee expert discussions as a ZOOM-conference.

The decision about holding the committee expert discussions was made as a result of the Constitution amendment participants’ meeting, held on September, 2.

The first discussion "Management to the Hromada Benefit" will take place on September, 9, from 15.00 till 18.00

You are welcome to register for the event at:


Also, within the Committee discussions such a meeting has been planned:

"The Local Self-Government System in Ukraine" to be held on September, 10, from 15.00 till 18.00


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