The MinRegion is beginning to select regional development projects to be funded by the EU

According to the Procedure of Conducting a Competitive Selection of Regional Development Projects that can be Fulfilled at the expense of the state budget funds, obtained from the EU, confirmed by Resolution № 827 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November, 16, 2016, Some Issues of Funding Regional Development Programmes and Projects 9amended),  the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine announces a contest, aimed at selecting regional development projects to be fulfilled at the expense of the state budget funds, obtained from the EU.

To participate in the competitive selection an applicant (the central or local executive power body, local self-government bodies, regional development agencies, established according to the Law of Ukraine On the State Regional Policy Pillars) should submit via the online-platform the documents (a participation application, the project information card and description, compiled in accordance with the demands, stipulated by Order of the MinRegion of 18.05.2017 № 120 (in the edition of the MinRegion order as of 15.04.2020 № 93) On Approval of the Demands to Description and Information Card of Regional Development Projects to be Fulfilled at the Expence of the State Budget Funds, Obtained from the EU).

The documents shall be submitted exlussively in an electronic format via the online-platform by 5 P.M., October, 20, 2020.

03.09.2020 - 13:32 | Views: 12307
The MinRegion is beginning to select regional development projects to be funded by the EU


competition budget regional development



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