«I suggest rayon hospitals being in the communal ownership …», - from the experience of the village head of Veselivka

Two years ago the Veselivska AH of the Zaporizhia region took the rayon hospital into its ownership and now spends approximately UAH 0,5 mln monthly. However, the hromada head Petro Kiyashko is sure that the acquired advantages are much worthier and even doesn’t demand co-funding from other hromadas of the old rayon.

A new administrative and territorial arrangement having been formed in Ukraine, the issue of maintaining rayon healthcare institutions has arisen. The Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories is trying to address it, involving the Ministry of Health. On August, 26 the MinRegion initiated a meeting, headed by the Deputy Minister Vyacheslav Nehoda, in the Zhytomyr region, involving representatives of the Ministry of Health, hromadas and rayon hospitals. Various ways of further rayon medical institutions maintenance were discussed there.


healthcare report


Запорізька область


Веселівська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада


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