The Central Election Commission has defined the list of AHs of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts on the territory of which it is impossible to hold the local elections

On July, 30, 2020, the Central Election Commission addressed the Donetsk and Luhansk oblast state administrations oblast military and civil administrations concerning their conclusions on the possibility of organizing, preparing and holding the local elections on October, 25, 2020.

On August, 7, 2020 the Commission obtained the conclusions, containing data on polling stations, established on AHs (settlements) territory of the Donetsk and Luhansk oblasts, where the local elections are not held, as well as on polling stations, where it is possible/impossible to organize, prepare and hold the local elections.

Having analysed the data, obtained from the Donetsk and Luhansk oblast military and civil administrations, the Commission has come to a conclusion about the impossibility of holding the elections of certain village, settlement and city councils of the oblasts and respective  village, settlement and city heads.


elections CEC


Донецька область Луганська область


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