NB: the National Agency on Corruption Prevention has developed new ways of assessing anti-corruption commissioners’ activity

The National Agency on Corruption Prevention has developed new forms of assessing anti-corruption commissioners’ activity and detecting corruption for the І half-year period of 2020.

In October of 2019 the Law of Ukraine On Corruption Prevention was amended. Under the amendments, in the system of regional, district and city councils there shall be established authorized departments or commissioners for the purpose of preventing and detecting corruption. Such authorized commissioners shall report on their activity semi-annually to the National Agency on Corruption Prevention.

One can learn details of reporting by authorized anti-corruption commissioners at the site of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention: https://bit.ly/2DcegD4.

One can download a file for reporting at: https://bit.ly/forma-zvituvannia.

29.07.2020 - 09:18 | Views: 9500
NB: the National Agency on Corruption Prevention has developed new ways of assessing anti-corruption commissioners’ activity




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