Bill 3614 will have been passed by September, - Vitalii Bezghin

Bill №3614, differentiating incomes and expenditures between the budgets of rayons and AHs, can be passed by the parliament by September. It was claimed by people’s deputy of Ukraine Vitalii Bezghin during the round table "A New Administrative and Territorial Arrangement of Ukraine" at Horshenin Institute.

The document will be prepared for the second reading by July, 29. After that it will be suggested that the Verkhovna Rada should be adopted as a whole. Bill 3614 is expected to have been passed by September at an extraordinary meeting of the parliament», - said Vitalii Bezghin.


21.07.2020 - 11:15 | Views: 11700
 Bill 3614 will have been passed by September, - Vitalii Bezghin


rayon budget Vitalii Bezghin


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