The future of rayon authorities employees: what should be waited for following the reform

«Any changes in the power territorial arrangement, powers redistribution and decentralisation will cause changes in the staff structure and quantity. But the purpose of the power and its civil servants is to exercise the fixed powers, to provide state services but not to make profits. Those who consider the bodies of authority are created for the sake of civil servant jobs and nothing can be changed, are wrong. Power is not about jobs but about creating a favourable investment climate for business development, creating new jobs», - wrote Vyacheslav Nehoda), Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine in his article for the Dzerkalo Tyzhnya (the Mirror of the Week).

13.07.2020 - 13:28 | Views: 16222
The future of rayon authorities employees: what should be waited for following the reform


rayon personnel V.Nehoda


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