Voting for rayons: the incumbent division cannot be preserved

This week the Verkhovna Rada is planning to consider the resolution draft on rayons formation and liquidation (№ 3650).

«Yes there will be a decisive battle, in which we must count exclusively on the victory. The first and the most important thing is to adopt resolution of rayons formation and liquidation (№ 3650), suggesting that 133 new rayons should be formed instead of the existing 490 ones in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and in 24 regions. It is a significant but at the same time difficult decision from the political and psychological point of view. Many people, having got used to the current inefficient rayon division, dislike this decision, so they oppose, that being rather expected. However, there is no alternative to the decision», - writes Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda in his article for the Dzerkalo Tyzhnya (the Mirror of the Week).

13.07.2020 - 12:33 | Views: 14488
Voting for rayons: the incumbent division cannot be preserved


rayon V.Nehoda


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