The Parliamentary committee has redefined the configuration of certain oblast rayons

According to the MinRegion press-service, on July, 9 the Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Oleksiy Chernyshov and Deputy Minister Vyacheslav Hehoda participated in the online meeting of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on the State Power, Local Self-Government Organisation, Regional and Urban Development, during which they considered issues of redefining certain oblast rayons formation, as well as improving the election legislation.

The Committee considered the issue of reviewing certain decisions, having been made concerning Resolution draft of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine On Rayons Formation and Liquidation» (№ 3650) in terms of redefining rayons of the Kharkiv, Khmelnytskyi and Kyiv oblasts. People’s deputies supported the government stance concerning the formation of 7 rayons instead of 4 rayons in the Kharkiv oblast, having redefined two rayons.

The Committee also considered and supported the MinRegion proposition for the town of Slavutych to remain in subordination to the Kyiv oblast, as the town inclusion into the Chernihiv oblast would negatively affect the town budget relations and state programmes fulfillment.

09.07.2020 - 21:05 | Views: 11555
The Parliamentary committee has redefined the configuration of certain oblast rayons

Attached images:


rayon Oleksii Chernyshov



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