A mechanism of preventing a clash of interests functions efficiently at the Tarakanivska AH

The Tarakanivska AH of the Rivne Region has got a great experience of applying mechanisms to prevent a clash of interests.

A Regularity on a clash of interests is one of the most important transparence tools, having been approvd by the Tarakanivska village council within the Diyemo (We are acting) project. Alongside with preventing corruption, the Regularity makes it possible to establish a more efficient power and public cooperation process.

The Budget for Citizens has also been created in the Tarakanivska AH. It is an innovative for Ukraine detailed format aimed at describing the budget processes and clarifying the community involvement mechanism. Its main target is to inform each AH resident about complicated things in a plain and comprehensive way, to help each inhabitant to understand the main financial document formation and own responsibility for the hromada future.


participation of citizens participatory budget anti-corruption


Рівненська область


Тараканівська територіальна громада


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