Tertium non datur. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine either approves new rayons or the country experiences wanton disorder

The restored Ukrainian statesmanship is only 30 years old. How many decades of inefficient territory management do we have to endure to finally change the situation?

Way out № 1 is to create new rayons as a territorial basis of the efficient state power organization and to hold regular elections, based on it. While the Constitution has not been amended yet, there will be rayon councils and rayon state administrations. From early 2021 on, rayon state administrations will be reorganized but their most socially important divisions will go on functioning until a modern network of ASCs is formed. In 2021 Constitutional amendments will make it possible to finally answer the question if there will be rayon councils and which bodies will perform functions of the state executive power. And the most important thing is that within this model hromadas will not be subordinated to rayons either administratively, or financially, as it is the case now (see bill №3614).

Way out № 2 is where there was the exit – we are returning to the initial position and preserve the status quo. It would be acceptable for those losing their personal benefits, having been enjoyed for years. But why their interests must dominate interests of millions of people?! And it is absolutely unacceptable for hundreds of hromadas, having understood their being masters on their territory and having brought more benefit for their settlements than the officials, having been appointed to the soviet administration system. Thus, it is impossible and harmful for the country development to get backwards.

18.06.2020 - 11:57 | Views: 16399
Tertium non datur. The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine either approves new rayons or the country experiences wanton disorder




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