New rayons in Ukraine: facts, causes and clarifications

New rayons in Ukraine: facts, causes and clarifications

The next couple of weeks are crucial for decentralisation in terms of legislation and making the decisions that must be approved by the Verkhovna Rada vacation. A priority is new rayons, the number of which will decrease radically compared to the current arrangement. Such a rayon division is rather controversial, thus, the suggested rayon division variants having been publicised, a press-conference for regional mass media was held.

Representatives of 60 media outlets from 20 regions participated in the press-conference, posing their questions. Approximately 10 000 people followed the conversation online in Facebook and Youtube.

The press-conference was initiated by the MinRegion and the subcommittee on administrative and territorial arrangement of the Committee on the State Power, Local Self-Government, Regional and Urban Development, supported by Ukraine Crisis Media Center, within the DOBRE Programme.



Vitalii Bezghin V.Nehoda rayon


Український кризовий медіа-центр

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