What’s in store for the district state administrations, new rayons having been formed?

District state administrations are not expected to be reorganized or liquidated this year.

It was claimed by the Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine Vyacheslav Nehoda, commenting the Government’s approval of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine resolution On Rayons Formation and Liquidation.

According to Vyacheslav Nehoda, formation, reorganization and liquidation of district state administrations may start in 2021.

«A new wording of the bill On Local State Administrations is currently being prepared. It will define their powers, activity, structure and number. All the draft propositions will be discussed publicly. The relative legislation having been passed, the Government will make a set of decisions concerning new rayon state administrations formation and the transition time frame. If necessary, in the rayons to be liquidated certain structural divisions of district state administrations functioning may be prolonged for a certain period (e.g., those divisions, providing important services, particularly, welfare)», - commented the Deputy Minister.

12.06.2020 - 16:35 | Views: 141382
What’s in store for the district state administrations, new rayons having been formed?


rayon V.Nehoda


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