Smart City: towns have obtained an e-democracy development app

Now residents of such Donetsk region towns as Vuhledar, Druzhkivka, Slovyansk and Toretsk are able to cooperate with the local self-government bodies and influence the decision making process in their towns, using a smart phone app, called Smart City. The app is also helpful with obtaining information on their AH events.

The app was developed by the public organisation «The Centre of Public Initiatives – The Green Donbas», supported by the UNO Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme, funded by the governments of Denmark, Switzerland and Sweden. In autumn of 2019 the team of The Green Donbas became a winner of the Hack for Locals Kharkiv hackahton, targeted to hromadas development and urgent social problems solution, supported by the UNO Recovery and Peacebuilding Programme. At the hackahton the team developed the app prototype to be tested later in the hromadas of Vuhledar, Druzhkivka, Slovyansk and Toretsk.

09.06.2020 - 16:29 | Views: 10763
Smart City: towns have obtained an e-democracy development app


participation of citizens


Донецька область


Програма ООН із відновлення та розбудови миру

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