Dissatisfaction with the perspective plans: the MinRegion has responded to the AHs Association stance

The AHs Association has launched the «Hromada Protection Marathon» and is planning to mount a protest near the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, supporting the AHs, having been reshaped or included in other AHs, according to the perspective plans, approved by the Government.

During a press-conference with regional mass media Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, claims that in 2015-2019 a lot of hromadas were formed on the voluntary basis but another important principle – that of capability – was ignored. “Thus, we can see how painfully the process of forming final and grounded perspective plans is going on. Of course, those hromadas, having undergone a certain period of their activity, would like to be preserved but not all of them have development perspectives. That is why there will be changes. Moreover, even if we approve new hromadas, in some time (the legislation allows it) the process of their parameters improvement will continue, particularly, their configuration. It is a vitally important process. The state has to be dynamic, timely responding to challenges and meeting economic demands”.

28.05.2020 - 19:10 | Views: 15139
Dissatisfaction with the perspective plans: the MinRegion has responded to the AHs Association stance


perspective plan V.Nehoda amalgamation of hromadas


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Андрес Антонов
01.06.2020 - 10:34
Питання: Якщо наша Удачненська ОТГ продемонструє швидкі темпи розвитку, чи зможе запросити сусідню громаду приєднатися до себе?
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01.06.2020 - 13:30
Питання: Скажіть будь ласка, яким чином можливе приєднання вже створених громад які в свою чергу за Законам України добровільно створилися, та в свою чергу відкрили відділи та поступово розвиваються, приєднати до не створеної громади як це можливо ????
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