The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is outraged by attempts of Bulgaria to interfere in the internal affairs of Ukraine

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine voiced protest because of the statement of the Bulgarian parliament concerning the Bolgrad district and referred to the attempts of interfering into the internal affairs of Ukraine as unacceptable.

The Ministry emphasizes that issues of the administrative and territorial arrangement of Ukraine fall within the competence of the state power bodies of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expressed astonishment and lack of understanding of the manipulative false statements concerning the reform affect on the national identity of ethnical Bulgarians of Ukraine.

"It is pointed out that protection of rights and freedoms of representatives of all national minorities of our state, including the Bulgarian one, is a priority of the Ukrainian governmental agencies activity and is ensured in accordance with the Council of Europe Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities (1995)" – claimed the Ministry.

The issue of the Bolgrad district is reported to be solved under the Ukrainian legislation, the stance of the local residents, including a numerous Bulgarian community, taken into consideration.

20.05.2020 - 23:45 | Views: 9621
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine is outraged by attempts of Bulgaria to interfere in the internal affairs of Ukraine


rayon administrative and territorial structure


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