14 March 2025

Constitutional amendments without "special statuses" and with other prefect functions: Oleksandr Kornienko commented upon his vision of the decentralization completion

According to the party of power head Oleksandr Kornienko, any hints to "special statuses" will disappear from the final draft of the Constitution amendments in terms of decentralisation, whereas prefect supervisory functions, frightening mayors so much, will be revised.

In his interview for ZN.UA Oleksandr Kornienko commented the power stance concerning decentralization continuation: "Following two scrapings of the presidential bill on amending the Constitution in terms of decentralization and long lasting "fights" with mayors, we are politically ready to write the Constitution for the minimum questions to arise. Today we are ready to reproduce the European Charter of Local Self-Government verbatim in controversial issues".

27.04.2020 - 10:40 | Views: 10413
Constitutional amendments without "special statuses" and with other prefect functions: Oleksandr Kornienko commented upon his vision of the decentralization completion


Konstytutsiia obhovorennia Constitution prefect Oleksandr Korniienko



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