«Owing to the skills, acquired at the DESPRO online-courses, our hromada has involved UAH 50 million for 60 projects…». An interview with Olena Shylobryd from the Bilovodska AH

«Owing to the skills, acquired at the DESPRO online-courses, our hromada has involved UAH 50 million for 60 projects…». An interview with Olena Shylobryd from the Bilovodska AH

The head of the economical development and trade administration of the executive committee of the Bilovodska AH Olena Shylobryd is sure that her team’s participation in the online-courses of the DESPRO Community of Practices has been an impetus for the rise of the whole region.

Local self-government is specific enough for those, having been working in the sphere, to admit to the lack of knowledge and experience. To solve the problem, in 2012 Swiss-Ukrainian Project “Decentralisation Support in Ukraine” (DESPRO) launched the platform with online-courses, for everyone concerned to do free of charge. Later the courses graduates formed a professional community of practice at the https://udl.despro.org.ua/ portal. Currently it unites almost 10 thousand participants, approximately half of whom work in the local self-government bodies, whereas the other half is represented by entrepreneurs, university teachers, students, school teachers, municipal enterprises employees, public organization representatives. The online-courses and participation in the Community impact on the whole region life is highlighted by the head of the economical development and trade administration of the executive committee of the Bilovodska AH Olena Shylobryd.


DESPRO investments


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