AH teams are being selected to participate in the SPACES educational and practical programme: spatial planning for availability, cooperation and economic sustainability

CANactions School in partnership with Heritas Foundation (Sibiu, Romania) invites hromadas to participate in the SPACES: Spatial Planning for Availability, Cooperation and Economic Sustainability educational and practical programme.

A multidisciplinary team of the programme participants, having experience in spatial planning, jointly with the local self-government representatives under the guidance of the international mentors and experts’ team, is currently developing the sub-regional Spatial Development Concept for several Ukrainian AHs, located nearby and sharing common landscape and culture, having similar economic specialisation. The Concept encompasses the territory of all hromadas, participating in the programme, and coordinates their development, regardless of the administrative borders.

The programme involves lectures, seminars, workshops and public discussions on the AH territory, field work, a training trip to Romania, integrated in the educational process, and an end-of- the programme concept presentation.

The deadline for filing applications by spatial planning specialists: May, 17, 2020.
The deadline for filing applications by teams of AHs: May, 24, 2020.

File your applications at: http://canactions.com/spaces

17.04.2020 - 11:07 | Views: 12790
AH teams are being selected to participate in the SPACES educational and practical programme: spatial planning for availability, cooperation and economic sustainability


spatial planning cooperation competition


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