Perspectives of reforming rayons: the MinRegion jointly with the Parliamentary Committee started online discussion with the regions

Perspectives of reforming rayons: the MinRegion jointly with the Parliamentary Committee started online discussion with the regions

The emergency related to the coronavirus spread, makes it impossible to meet tete-a-tete for the purpose of discussing the local self-government reform issues. Advanced communication means enable us to discuss such complicated issues as the formation of the new administrative arrangement of the sub-regional level efficiently enough. During the quarantine we have to discuss and work out all the necessary decisions and later – to pass them in the Parliament and the Government. We had limited terms to complete the main phase of the decentralisation – forming capable hromadas and rayons, - now the terms have become even shorter and the circumstances - aggravated. So we have to stick to the previous plan and complete decentralisation.

The issues were covered by Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, during the video conference on forming the administrative arrangement of the sub-regional level of the Vinnytsia, Volyn, Donetsk, Zhytomyr, Kherson and Khmelnytskyi regions.

Such online conferences are planned by the MinRegion for the next weeks with all the regions.


rayon V.Nehoda


Вінницька область Волинська область Донецька область Житомирська область Херсонська область Хмельницька область


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Сергей Клим
27.03.2020 - 12:09
Самое интересное, по-моему мнению, как по методическим рекомендациям министерства будут образовать новые районы в Черновицкой области. 60-ти километровая зона Черновцов охватывает почти 90 % населения области. Одна семья (область) - один ребёнок (новый район) получается.
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