Announcement: March, 26, 11A.M. – the international online conference "How to ensure the hromada functioning under the quarantine conditions"

The main topic of the conference “Hromadas under the quarantine conditions: Ukrainian and foreign experience”, organised by the Ukrainian Anti-crisis Media Centre within the USAID DOBRE programme, is how to work under the quarantine conditions to ensure the hromada functioning.

Ukrainian and foreign local government representatives, associations and communication experts will discuss practical recommendations in regard to efficient organisation of hromada functioning under the quarantine conditions due to COVID-19.

The conference agenda covers the following issues:

  • The most frequent challenges hromadas come across with because of quarantine;
  • How hromadas get ready for the potential increase in the disease occurrence;
  • How to ensure efficient communication between the local government and residents;
  • How to ensure the remote work possibility in AHs and to organise it as best as possible;
  • How the quarantine will affect the local budget losses;
  • The role of the local self-government associations in assisting hromadas in case of emergency related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The conference online broadcasting will be available at the DOBRE Programme Facebook-page, at the Youtube-channel and at the site of the Ukrainian Anti-crisis Media Centre in Ukrainian and English.




Український кризовий медіа-центр

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