Is your hromada planning an event or a broad-scale action?

Involving sponsors to funding and partners to organisation is always a challenge for organisers. On the one hand, charity corporate sponsorship with considerable amounts is not «philanthropy» but a kind of brand promotion. On the other hand, you offer a perfect audience, flawlessly «corresponding» to the business target group. That is why your task is to convince of your audience value, find a mutual benefit and discuss cooperation conditions. In such cases they say: «to sell» sponsorship, as it is the product.

You are invited to the online training course «The Corporate Sponsorship Sale» to be held at the web platform of the practice community: Sustainable Development

For you to demonstrate and improve all the knowledge and skills from May, 10 till May, 20, 2020 there will be conducted online-training "Sponsor Package Fair" where you will represent your sponsor package for the purpose of mutual assessment and provide other course participants with recommendations concerning their sponsor package improvement.

The training process is non-tutorial and already available at any time convenient for you at

23.03.2020 - 14:39 | Views: 6281
Is your hromada planning an event or a broad-scale action?


study DESPRO


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