Experts have analysed the financial performance of 806 AHs in each region separately

Using financial performance of 806 AHs, based on the 2019 results in each of 24 regions, experts have prepared the infographics.

The calculations are based on 8 indices, characterising the financial performance of AHs activity.

The parameters referred to in the publication are a benchmark for the further financial analysis, making it possible to have a general idea of the AH resource potential within certain regions.

For extensive unbiased assessment to be performed it is necessary to perform a more thorough analysis of certain AH financial performance, defining cause and effect relations between the development of the social and industrial infrastructures, entrepreneurial and resource potential of the territory, demographic factors, etc. AH non-material assets should also be taken into account.

19.03.2020 - 12:09 | Views: 22988
Experts have analysed the financial performance of 806 AHs in each region separately

Attached files:


budget budget analytics Ihor Herasymchuk Viktor Ventsel


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