Four eavesdropped conversations about the Constitution and more

During the public open consultations at the round table in Kyiv a non-governmental expert on decentralisation, the director of the Institute of Territories Development Yuriy Hanuschak answered a few «hot» questions.

On March, 3 at the Parkovyi CEC public open consultations on amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine in terms of decentralisation were conducted for the Kyiv, Zhytomyr, Chernihiv, Cherkasy and Rivne regions. The participants discussed the local self-government model and Constitutional amendments related to its reconstruction and the decentralisation reform.

Some conversations, heard in the work groups, appeared to be interesting for us. The non-governmental expert on decentralisation, the director of the Institute of Territories Development Yuriy Hanuschak participated in all of them. He moved beyond the groups and in each of them he brightly described the model of Constitutional amendments, with everyone being able to pose him a question.

The whole report text is available in Ukrainian at


Konstytutsiia obhovorennia Yu.Hanushchak report


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