Constitutional enshrining of decentralisation is a guarantee of persistency of the rules for the game: public discussions held in Kharkiv

On 29 February, public discussions of the Constitutional amendments by representatives of the local self-government and the public of the Kharkiv, Sumy and Poltava regions were held at Yaroslav the Wise National Law University.

Among the event participants there were representatives of the MinRegion, associations of local self-government bodies, experts and scientists.

‘70% of the population of Ukraine live in amalgamated hromadas or cities of oblast significance. The rest of our citizens reside on the territory of out-of-date village and settlement councils. The state has to ensure equal conditions and opportunities for development for all of them. That having been considered, it is important to amend the Constitution. Moreover, there are a lot of laws, making an excessive load on the local self-government bodies. It also testifies to the need of changes, with subsidiarity being in the focus’, - claimed Serhiy Sharshov, the head of the Directorate on the local self-government development, power territorial arrangement, administrative and territorial arrangement of the MinRegion.

Attached images:


Konstytutsiia obhovorennia Constitution S.Sharshov


Полтавська область Сумська область Харківська область


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