The authorities have rallied the local self-government and public representatives around Constitutional amendments preparation

Public discussions of amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine have started, aiming at fixing the reformed local self-government system and a new state power territorial arrangement, as well as powers and authority decentralization.

The first meeting of all concerned is being conducted in Kyiv today. Local council heads and deputies from all over Ukraine, local self-government associations and public organizations jointly with people deputies of Ukraine, representatives of the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Council of Europe experts and other international partners are working over the constitutional future of the local self-government. This very framework of preparing amendments to the Fundamental Law was chosen by the state for the purpose of obtaining the common vision of the constitutional basis of the local self-government.

25.02.2020 - 10:15 | Views: 9168
The authorities have rallied the local self-government and public representatives around Constitutional amendments preparation


Konstytutsiia obhovorennia Constitution


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