The Government has changed the procedure and conditions for granting subventions for social and economic development of regions

On February, 18 the Government amended the Procedure and conditions for granting state budget subventions to local budgets for the purpose of taking actions aimed at social and economic development of certain areas.

The amendments, developed by the Minregion, stipulate, particularly, the subvention allotment between regions (oblasts and the city of Kyiv) under such criteria: 80% — according to the population, living in the area; 20% — for the regions, having the gross regional product per capita which is less than 75% of the average index in Ukraine.

Projects and actions are funded providing they comply with the priorities, defined in the regional development strategies and social and economic development plans of certain areas.

20.02.2020 - 09:53 | Views: 16903
The Government has changed the procedure and conditions for granting subventions for social and economic development of regions





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