Announcement: 20.02.20; 19:00 – a presentation of the on-line tool for spatial territory planning from CANactions School, Kyiv

On February, 20 CANactions School presents the on-line tool for spatial territory planning in Kyiv:

  • Presentation of a certain hromada spatial concept;
  • Demonstration of its application in real life;
  • Discussion with the AH representatives.

Location: Kooperativ, 23 A Sichovykh Striltsiv, Kyiv

Free entrance, register at: — the web-platform, which presents a catalog of project solutions prepared in the framework of the elaboration of spatial development concepts for 30 AH-s from 20 regions of Ukraine within Integrated Spatial Planning for Amalgamated Hromadas Program, implemented by CANactions School with support from U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

07.02.2020 - 14:51 | Views: 9220
Announcement: 20.02.20; 19:00 – a presentation of the on-line tool for spatial territory planning from CANactions School, Kyiv


announcement spatial planning


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