Ethical leadership in self-government

For the attention of local self-government authorities: we would like to present the special training programme "Ethical leadership" placed on the Knowledge Management Portal.

The Training Programme based on the best practices and the Council of Europe Leadership Academy Toolkit implemented in Ukraine by the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance since 2011 and with support of the Council of Europe Programme “Decentralisation and local government reform in Ukraine”. It also benefited from the EU policies.

The Knowledge Management Portal launched by the National Agency of Ukraine for Civil Service (NAUCS) in 2020 to develop the market of professional training services provided to public servants on the principles of transparency with the appropriate system of monitoring and quality evaluation. It was direct implementation of the provisions of the Concept on Reforming Professional Training System for Civil Servants, Local State Administration Heads, Their First Deputies and Deputies, Local Self-Government Officials, Local Councillors, developed with the Council of Europe support as well as recommendations of the Council of Europe Peer Review Report on reforming the training system for local authorities in Ukraine.

More information in Ukrainian.

29.01.2020 - 15:26 | Views: 9476
Ethical leadership in self-government




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