The Government amended the methodology of forming capable hromadas

On January 24, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted the Resolution “On Introduction of Amendments to the Methodology of Formation of Capable Territorial Hromadas”.

The new version of the Methodology emphasizes the procedure for development of perspective plans and formation of capable hromadas.

24.01.2020 - 12:48 | Views: 33711
The Government amended the methodology of forming capable hromadas


amalgamation of hromadas perspective plan


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26.01.2020 - 14:56
These indicate a good approach to ensuring that these communities have some capacity to deliver services as well as fiscal capacity. However, there are a couple of changes that should be considered. While population is a good indicator, the use of population density per square kilometer should also be included. This indicator is often used for tranfer formulas and give a better indication of service needs as well as fiscal capacity. The number of school age children seems to have little relevance to the capacity of the communities. The ratio of local own source taxes to overall revenue is another good indicator of fiscal capacity. This should be developed with an estimation of total tax base of the community as well. Baselines should be established and parameters within a range of plus and minus 20% from the average should indicate communities that would provide capabilities without undue inequality of the poor and rich communities.
Володимир Молчанов
26.01.2020 - 17:09
незрзуміло, ця методика, лише трохи відмінна від попередньої з двома відсікаючими і чотирма оціночними крітеріями, як вплине на зміни до бюджету з переведенням новостворених в 2019 громад на прямі міжбюджетні відносини
Світлана Іванівна
17.04.2020 - 13:14
Цікавий аналіз Конституції України. Чи глибоко знаємо свої конституційні права та юридичні можливості? Скачати брошуру «ВЛАДА, ВЛАСНІСТЬ І ЮРИДИЧНІ ОСОБИ» -
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