SMART tourism: all information about Ivano-Frankivsk in one mobile app

'It’s nice to have such an app for tourists, and not only for tourists, but for Ivano-Frankivsk residents, too. I was unaware of some facts about my city, but now, thanks to this app, I've learned a lot about its history,' user Petro Saiko shared his impressions.

'This mobile app will be further upgraded, with its content replenished and new functionality added. It aims to increase city tourism assets and products, both for guests and Ivano-Frankivsk's residents. City museums provide information about exhibitions or other events taking place on their grounds. Cinemas will soon provide their posters. New transmitters on the city historical buildings are to be mounted soon. It is remarkable that the app was used to conduct the first tiflo tours in Ukraine for the visually impaired people,' said Andrii Chaikivskyi, Head of the Software and Computer Support Department of the Ivano-Frankivsk City Council and the mobile app developer.

Attached images:




Івано-Франківська область


Івано-Франківська територіальна громада


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