A new police station appeared in Khmelnytskyi Oblast

“35 amalgamated territorial hromadas and the police signed a memorandum on cooperation in terms of the pilot project Police Officer of the Hromada,” says Vadym Byrko, Deputy Head of Preventive Activity Department of the Main Police Division of the National Police of the oblast.

“This project provides constant presence of a police officer in the hromada territory, work with population and interaction with local self-government authorities. The police officer of the hromada that is recommended for Stara Ushytsia is Vladyslav Manziuk. He completed appropriate studying and, upon the probation period, he will fulfil his duties. Considering the long distance from his place of residence, the hromada proposed him to get a service-provided accommodation in the territory of Stara Ushytsia”.

The police station in Staroushytska hromada is the first opened this year in Khmelnytskyi Oblast. According to Vadym Byrko, in 2020, it is planned to complete the first stage of the pilot project Police Officer of the Hromada in our oblast.


safety police


Хмельницька область


Староушицька селищна об’єднана територіальна громада Староушицька територіальна громада



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