Local fire department opened in Novoselivska AH in Poltava Oblast

The comfort and safety of citizens is one of the key priorities of the Novoselivska AH. This is evidenced by the opening of the communal organisation Local Fire Brigade of the Naderzhynshchyna village council, held on 12 December in the village of Bozhkivske.

Financing of the communal organisation is carried out within the framework of inter-municipal cooperation of hromadas. Thanks to grants raised by the Agency for Local Development of Territorial Hromadas in the Poltava Rayon”, the logistics of the institution was improved. Now it has specially equipped premises, modern fire extinguishing equipment and a special uniform.

“For the hromada residents, this event is significant because the capability level of the local fire brigade influence safety of the citizens living in settlements. Therefore, it is safe to say that the opening of this local fire department will significantly improve the fire protection and effectiveness of responding to possible threats,” said Hryhorii Varava, acting starosta of the Naderzhynshchyna village.

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safety fire safety


Полтавська область


Новоселівська територіальна громада


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