Ternopil is Youth Capital of Ukraine-2020

At the open meeting of the Supervisory Board of the National Competition “Youth Capital of Ukraine” the city of Ternopil was selected as the winner from among 10 finalists.

“The fact that this competition takes place in Ukraine for the third time is extremely valuable for youth policy in general. With every passing year, more and more young Ukrainians are becoming aware that they can be agents of change, be heard, be close to city leadership, and talk together about what the city can do now to become youth-friendly. That is why I thank each and every one of you, and I wish you the victory,” said Oleksandr Yarema, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, at the beginning of the meeting.

The competition finalists were also greeted by Oleksii Sevirin, Deputy Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, who spoke about the youth mobility programme, Rostyslav Tomenchuk, chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Institute of International Policy; representative of Hanns Seidel Foundation in Ukraine.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Attached images:




Тернопільська область


Міністерство молоді та спорту Украіни

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