Hromada police officers started their work in Kirovohrad Oblast

Oleksandr Fatsevych, Deputy Head of the National Police of Ukraine, congratulated law enforcement officers, who will work in amalgamated hromadas, on the occasion of their graduation and handed them the keys to Renault Duster service cars.



The central region of Ukraine became the second in the country where the police started to work in a new format. Earlier this year, Roman Koziakov, head of the oblast police directorate, held a working meeting with the heads of amalgamated hromadas, after which the corresponding memorandums of cooperation were signed.



Applications for participation in the competition for the posts of hromada police officer were submitted by 65 existing police officers. Following the results of all stages of the competition, and, taking into account proposals from the representatives of hromadas, 17 police officers were approved.



In the future, they all underwent a three-month in-depth training course at Dnipropetrovsk State University of Internal Affairs, where they acquired the knowledge and learnt the best European practices in the field of communication with the community. In addition, under the close supervision of colleagues and mentors, a one-month internship course took place on the territory of the AH of the Dnipropetrovsk Oblast.


safety police


Кіровоградська область


Національна поліція

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