Administrative service delivery system launched in Bilotserkivska AH

On 3 December, a modernised Administrative Service Centre started working in the village of Bilotserkivka, including three remote administrator’s workplaces in Podil, Balakliya and Birky villages of the Poltava Oblast. The ASC increased the list of services from 27 to 109, including registration of residence and civil status documents, social protection and notary services, pension services and more.

With the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, six workplaces have been created at the ASC, each equipped with state-of-the-art IT appliances and furniture. The entire team of employees has completed a five-module training programme developed by the Ukrainian and Swedish experts. Each module consists of several trainings on business ethics, gender equality and the role of local governments in the delivery of administrative services.

Due to hromada’s cooperation with the Programme in the institutional establishment of the ASC, all documents necessary for the successful operation of the Centre were updated, as well as decisions on integration of services of the Department of Social Protection at the RSA, Pension Fund, Main Department of the State Geo Cadastre in the Poltava Oblast were agreed. More than 4,000 hromada residents have access to quality administrative services.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

03.12.2019 - 16:03 | Views: 13625
Administrative service delivery system launched in Bilotserkivska AH

Attached images:


Administrative services Olha Kalinichenko


Полтавська область


Білоцерківська територіальна громада


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