MinRegion selected winners of this year’s journalism competition on decentralisation

MinRegion selected winners of this year’s journalism competition on decentralisation

MinRegion selected the winners of the All-Ukrainian Competition of Journalistic Reports-2019 Reforming local self-government and territorial organisation of power”.

List of winners is available in Ukrainian

The finalists receive diplomas from the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories, as well as cash prizes from the Council of Europe (from UAH 10 to 20 thousand). Next year, they will visit an international event (the visit of the winners of the 2018 competition can be found HERE).

The competition started in 2016 as a joint initiative of the Council of Europe and MinRegion. Since 2017, the Ministry has been its main organiser.

In 2019, the competition is being held with the support of the Council of Europe “Decentralisation and Local Government Reform” Programme in Ukraine, Internews-Ukraine and the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE




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