Personnel management of hromada’s financial authority: experts prepared draft documents

Experts from the EU project on “Strengthening State Financial Systems of Local Governments” have developed draft documents that will help organise the work of the hromada’s financial authority (DOWNLOAD).

Proposed projects include regulations on the institution, its structural units, professional qualifications and job descriptions for employees.

“In our view, these draft documents will help hromada to prepare a package of regulatory documents for personnel management of the financial authority. It will contribute to the implementation of budget policy and increase the level of the budget process management in the hromada,” says Halyna Markovych, expert on public finance management and local budgeting.

The proposed draft documents are recommendations. Local self-government bodies can refine and adjust them, considering the organisational structure of the local council, staffing potential, etc.

29.11.2019 - 11:21 | Views: 13663
Personnel management of hromada’s financial authority: experts prepared draft documents


budget budget methodology H.Markovych legal counselling personnel


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