Engaging residents in hromada development: Professional communication tips (video)

During the presentation of the Manual on Informing and Engaging People in the Work of the ASC, developed with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme, experts from leading Ukrainian communications agencies, EU projects, governmental and non-governmental organisations gave recommendations to hromaa activists on how to communicate effectively and involve the residents in joint activities.

In the video, communicators answer the following questions:

  • What is the most important for effective communication of the authorities with the residents of the newly established AH?
  • What tools do you find to be most effective for Ukrainian hromadas?
  • How can hromada residents be persuaded by management to plan resources for community outreach and involvement?

More information on how to inform and engage hromada residents in ASC's work can be found in the U-LEAD manual (DOWNLOAD): tinyurl.com/y6abeok4


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