From mountainous village to national resort. Slavske gets its second breath

A mega ski resort, one of the largest in Ukraine, may appear in the Skole Rayon, which will compete with the famous Bukovel. This became possible due to formation of the Slavska AH.

In two years of its existence, the new hromada, which amalgamated Slavske with Hrabovets, Likhobor, Verkhnia and Nyzhnia Rozhankas, Volosyanka, Yalinkuvate and Khashchovanya villages, increased its budget tenfold, built a school, develops communal infrastructure and plans to become a mega resort.

To see how the life has changed in the amalgamated hromada, the journalists of IA went to Slavske by rail.



The building of the settlement council, at least from the inside, has almost nothing in common with a state-owned gray building constructed on a typical Soviet project. The repair works are currently underway. The first floor has recently hosted the ASC.



Office of the AH head Volodymyr Beha is on the second floor. Volodymyr Beha came to the post from business.

Mr. Beha, the Slavska AH has been operating for over two years. Has anything changed during this time?

Of course something has changed. The most important thing that happened was we attracted an investor. Why did I actually ran for this post? Attracting investors was my strategic goal and objective No 1.

So, first of all, the hromada budget has skyrocketed, which we had not even dreamed of here until the arrival of the investor Halnaftogaz, the main taxpayer. And accordingly, there is a resource that goes to the villages. We started constructing roads, sidewalks, schools, kindergartens, rural health posts. A school was built in Verkhnia Rozhanka, kilometers of asphalt roads, tens of kilometers of communal roads and dozens more communal issues were solved.



– You mentioned an investor. What exactly is he willing to invest in?

– This is Halnaftogaz company. Due to decentralisation, when hromadas amalgamated and instead of 3-4 village councils one settlement council appeared, it became of interest for the investor since it was much easier to resolve issues, including land ones that are core for the resort. There is an understanding and a vision that there should be a huge ski resort “a la Bukovel”.

– What has already been done specifically about the future construction of the resort or is it only a discussion?

– This has already gone beyond the level of discussions, because the investor settles land issues, and we, as a settlement council, are involved in this process. That is land plots are allocated for the future resort.

Are these changes included in the General Plan?

– The General Plan is not drawn in one day. We are now at the stage of developing it, which in particular will include the territory of the village of Verkhnia Rozhanka, where the construction of the resort is planned.

– What is the strategic vision for the development of the resort?

– Strategically, the resort is the second breath for Slavske, which at one time, thanks to Mount Trostyan, was a mecca of skiing in the former USSR. It is the only mountain in the entire Soviet Union certified to host international competitions.

– But today Trostyan is an outdated chairlift, both morally and physically. What are your future plans for the mountain?

– It is mildly saying outdated. In 2021, we will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. But it is in good working condition. It is a wonderful excursion chairlift that can be used in summer to view the scenery and breathe in the fresh air. And for ski resorts now there are other standards.

– You mentioned there are many estates. What about the situation with paying the tourist tax?

– None. This issue has always been unpopular with local authorities. All villagers know each other. And the law concerning the tourist tax is aimed at keeping this tax in place. Today we set it at UAH 8.35 per person. But the law is crude, half-done, and contains such a case that a person welcoming tourists may not pay the tourist tax unless he/she is a registered entrepreneur.



But the tourist tax must be paid by everyone. And we appeal to our deputies of the Verkhovna Rada to amend the law to clearly define the rules of the game.

– Have the plans for the construction of the resort affected the cost of the land and the number of those willing to buy it?

– The rumors themselves have already significantly raised the price of the issue. For comparison, if 3-4 years ago the land in Rozhanka was worth USD 200 and was not needed by anyone, now it can be 300, 600 and even reaching a thousand dollars.

– Let's go back to the resort. So when could it, theoretically, appear?

– It is a long process. About 50 kilometers of ski slopes are planned. In terms of timing, we see that it will be good if this happens in 2021.



– Are there any other villages willing to join the Slavska AH?

– According to the Perspective Plan, Tukhlya, Holovetsko, Lavochne and Oporets should join us.

– And what will this give for the OTG?

– It will increase population and reduce reverse subsidy.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE


Львівська область


Славська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада



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