ANNOUNCEMENT! Online streaming of “Energy Modernisation of Administrative Buildings in Ukraine: practices and challenges” Forum

On 7 November, at 10:00, the public Forum on the implementation of modern technologies and principles of energy efficiency for the sustainable development of hromadas will be broadcast with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme.

Forum agenda includes:

  • panel discussion: “State strategies of energy modernisation of administrative buildings in the context of European integration of Ukraine”,
  • open discussion: “Horizontal partnerships: how can hromadas and the public sector develop energy-efficient technologies together?”,
  • presentation of the manual “Best practices and advice to establishing energy efficient ASCs in AHs and an online calculator created with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme”,
  • presentation of best practices of energy modernisation of office buildings in Ukraine and Sweden.

The event will be attended by the representatives of the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine, the EU Delegation to Ukraine, the VRU Subcommittee on Energy Saving and Energy Efficiency, the Energy Efficiency Fund of Ukraine, the U-LEAD with Europe Programme and other international projects; Swedish and Ukrainian energy efficiency experts, representatives of relevant NGOs, and community leaders from all over Ukraine.

Live streaming will be available on the Facebook page:

06.11.2019 - 15:55 | Views: 9579
ANNOUNCEMENT! Online streaming of “Energy Modernisation of Administrative Buildings in Ukraine: practices and challenges” Forum


energy efficiency Administrative services


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