Decentralisation and local budget revenues: 10 month data
Over the first 10 months of this year, local budgets have earned three times more than in the whole of 2014: UAH 224.3 billion versus UAH 68.6 billion. According to the Ministry of Finance, compared to the revenues of January-October last year, this year the local budgets received almost UAH 35 billion more.
The largest budget-forming tax is the personal income tax (PIT). During this period, revenues from this tax amounted to UAH 133.3 billion (by UAH 23.1 billion more than last year). By implementing fiscal decentralisation, the state transferred 60% of PIT to the level of capable hromadas. This encourages the latter to create new jobs.
Land payments amounted to UAH 27.6 billion, which is UAH 4.9 billion (or +21.6%) more than during the same period last year.
Actual single tax revenues increased by UAH 5 billion to UAH 29.5 billion.
Actual real estate tax receipts totaled UAH 4.5 billion, +34.1% increase in revenues.

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