ANNOUNCEMENT! Opening of two new ASCs in the hromada of Khust and Slavska AH

We invite you to the opening of two new Administrative Service Centres established with the support of the U-LEAD with Europe Programme in the hromada of Khust and in the Slavska amalgamated hromada.

On 29 October, at 11:00 am the Slavska AH in the Lviv Oblast with a population of 8,000 residents will open its Administrative Service Centre. The hromada has renovated the premises and equipped it for the needs of people with disabilities. The Slavska AH has successfully cooperated with the Programme in the institutional establishment of the ASC and received a full equipment of 9 workplaces, including six remote ones. The opening ceremony will be held at 24, Ivasyuka St., Slavske urban-type settlement, Skole Rayon, Lviv Oblast.

On 30 October, at 11:00 the hromada of Khust in the Zakarpattia Oblast will host the opening of its Administrative Service Centre. The community with a population of 32,000 residents has cooperated with the Programme in the intitutional establishment of the ASC and received full equipment of 14 workplaces. The urban hromada has also purchased equipment for passport registration and issuance, renovated the premises and equipped the Centre for the needs of people with disabilities. The opening of the Administrative Service Centre will be held at 27/1, 900th Anniversary of Khust St., Khust city, Zakarpattia Oblast.

The ASC in the Slavska AH and the hromada of Khust will provide access to quality administrative services to almost 40,000 hromada residents.

For accreditation, send your name, position, publication and contacts to the email address: by 14 October 15:00.

For any details please contact: Ivan Lukash, +380673883457,

28.10.2019 - 14:03 | Views: 14724
ANNOUNCEMENT! Opening of two new ASCs in the hromada of Khust and Slavska AH


announcement Administrative services


Закарпатська область Львівська область


Славська селищна об’єднана територіальна громада


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