110 US Peace Corps volunteers to work in amalgamated hromadas

On 16 October 2019, 110 US citizens took the oath of office and became official volunteers of the US Peace Corps in Ukraine. Over the next two years, they will work in amalgamated hromadas. Volunteers will help local governments increase their organisational capacity, develop project management, and engage with partners.

“For the last five years, Ukraine has been moving towards developing hromadas’ capacity. It is important for us that hromadas do not lose their desire for self-development, that the ability to effectively deal with all issues of local importance grow, and the ability to communicate with residents, business, international partners develop. I am sure that your help will make it faster and better. I thank you for deciding to leave your home and come to Ukraine to help us share your knowledge. This is very important for us,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories, addressing the volunteers.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

17.10.2019 - 14:54 | Views: 6988
110 US Peace Corps volunteers to work in amalgamated hromadas




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