Vinnytsia entered TOP-20 cities of international competition of the most successful practices aimed at improving lives of children and youth. Second round of selection is ahead

Vinnytsia is the only city in Ukraine that is among the twenty cities in the world that have become finalists of the international competition of best practices aimed at improving the lives of children and youth.

This competition is being held by UNICEF as part of the World Initiative “Children and Youth Friendly Community”.

The second round of the competition involves online voting.

You can vote for Vinnytsia initiative here.

The video of Vinnytsia is submitted in the 1st category. When voting, you must select a video and specify the name of the city and country where you reside (available in Ukrainian and English).

AUC invites hromadas to vote to help our country win in the competition! We also ask for assistance in distributing the link among as many students, parents and teachers as possible!

03.10.2019 - 11:41 | Views: 7933



Hromada, druzhnia do ditei ta molodi


Вінницька область



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