Finally: Zakarpattia Oblast Council approved perspective plan. Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories congratulates hromadas of the oblast
The Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories congratulates hromadas of the Zakarpattia Oblast with the beginning of a “new era of development”. That is how the Ministry responded to the Zakarpattia Oblast Council’s approval of a perspective plan for the formation of hromadas in the oblast. The oblast deputies have made the decision today at a council meeting.
“The long-awaited decision. Hromadas of the Zakarpattia Oblast have been waiting for it for five years. In fact, this is the beginning of their new era of development, since now they will be able to take full advantage of decentralisation to solve the problems accumulated over many years. MinRegion congratulates every hromada in the region on the occasion of this event. We call for losing no more time and taking active part in building your hromadas, forming capable ones, in accordance with the perspective plan. We are grateful to the oblast state administration and the oblast council for the state-oriented stance and look forward to further support of hromada development,” said Vyacheslav Nehoda, Deputy Minister of Development of Communities and Territories.
The draft perspective plan for the formation of territories of hromadas in the Zakarpattia Oblast envisaged formation of 54 capable hromadas. Deputies approved the document in the version, which provides for the formation of 59 AHs.

V.Nehoda amalgamation of hromadas perspective plan
Закарпатська областьSource:
Прес-центр ініціативи «Децентралізація»

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