Local elections across the country should only take place after formation of a new legal and territorial framework – results of an All-Ukrainian Seminar in Zatoka

Participants of the All-Ukrainian Annual Seminar for Local Self-Government Representatives held on 25 September in the Zatoka of the Odesa Oblast approved the Resolution defining the principles necessary for the functioning of local self-government in accordance with the European Charter, as well as proposing a set of measures to hold regular local elections on a new legal and territorial basis.

While presenting the draft Resolution to the participants of the seminar, Serhiy Chernov, President of the Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils, noted that as a result of the decentralisation reform in Ukraine there should be a new three-tier model of local self-government that would comply with the principles of the European Charter of Local Self-Government.

“As a result of implementation of the Concept for reforming local self-government and territorial organisation of power, the principles of which are consistent with the European Charter of Local Self-Government, we need to get a new quality model. Each level of such model should be capable, with the powers and resources for their fulfillment. Namely: with the hromada as the basic level, rayon council and executive committee as the subregional level, oblast council and executive committee as the regional level. Of course, the state should control their activities in terms of lawfulness of decision-making. For this the prefect institute is being introduced. But formation of such a model requires amendments of the Constitution.

We have messages from the state regarding accelerating the reform of local self-government and the process of decentralization of power. Specific deadlines have been set - until October 1 or before January 1 - to prepare the relevant regulatory acts. As representatives of local governments, we cannot be sidelined. The Ukrainian Association of District and Regional Councils will closely monitor and express their own point of view regarding the progress of the reform so that the normative documents are of high quality and have a positive impact on the development of the territories,” Serhiy Chernov emphasised.

The full version is available in Ukrainian – please click HERE

Attached images:


Ukrainian Association of Rayon and Oblast Councils


Харківська область


Сайт Харківської ОР

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